
1. adjective /ˈænɪmət,ˈænəmət,ˈænɪmeɪt,ˈænəmeɪt/
a) That which lives.

She is an engaging and animate speaker.

b) Possessing the quality or ability of motion.

The English pronouns he and she are animate, while it is inanimate.

Syn: alive, live, living, active, dynamic, energetic
Ant: inanimate, fixed, immobile, static, stationary, still
See Also: inanimate, animacy
2. verb /ˈænɪmət,ˈænəmət,ˈænɪmeɪt,ˈænəmeɪt/
To impart motion or the appearance of motion to.

If we animate the model, we can see the complexity of the action.

See Also: animation

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