
1. adjective /ɹəˈvɜː(ɹ)s/
a) Having the order of its constituents moved backwards in time or space.

We ate the meal in reverse order with the dessert first and ending with the starter.

b) Causing movement in the opposite direction.

The mirror showed us a reverse view of the scene.

Ant: normal
2. adverb /ɹəˈvɜː(ɹ)s/
In a reverse way or direction; upside-down.

they three smote hym at onys with their spearys, and with fors of themselff they smote Sir Launcelottis horse revers to the erthe.

3. noun /ɹəˈvɜː(ɹ)s/
a) The opposite of front.
b) The opposite of forward.
4. verb /ɹəˈvɜː(ɹ)s/
a) To turn something around such that it faces in the opposite direction.

Bene they all dead, and laid in dolefull herse? / Or doen they onely sleepe, and shall againe reuerse?

b) To turn something inside out or upside down.
Ant: normalise, normalize

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