
1. adjective /fɜːst,fɝst/
Having no predecessor. The ordinal number corresponding to one.

T favourable reception the Orrery has met with from Perſons of the firſt diſtinction,<! Hyphenated as “diſtinc-tion” in the original source and from Gentlemen and Ladies in general, has induced me to add to it ſeveral new improvements in order to give it a degree of Perfection;<! Hyphenated as “Perfec-tion” in the original source and diſtinguiſh it from others ; which by Piracy, or Imitation, may be introduced to the Public.

2. adverb /fɜːst,fɝst/
Before anything else; firstly.
3. noun /fɜːst,fɝst/
a) The person or thing in the first position.

He was the first to complete the course.

b) The first gear of an engine.

This is a first. For once he has nothing to say.

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