
1. noun /səˈpɹaɪz,səˈpɹaɪz,sɚˈpɹaɪz/
a) Something not expected.

It was a surprise to find out I owed twice as much as I thought I did.

b) Unexpected.

The surprise attack was devastating.

Syn: unexpected, astonishment
2. verb /səˈpɹaɪz,səˈpɹaɪz,sɚˈpɹaɪz/
a) To cause (someone) to feel unusually alarmed or delighted.

It surprises me that I owe twice as much as I thought I did.

b) To do something to (a person) that they are not expecting, as a surprise.

He doesnt know that Im in the country - I thought Id turn up at his house and surprise him.

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