
1. noun /kɹɑːft,kɹæft/
a) The skilled practice of a practical occupation.

She represented the craft of brewers.

b) Implements used in catching fish, such as net, line, or hook. Modern use primarily in whaling, as in harpoons, hand-lances, etc.

And whereas the continual Interruption of the Courſe and Paſſage of the Fiſh up the Rivers, by the daily drawing of Seins and other Fiſh-Craft, tends to prevent their Increaſe, <! [sic] italics

Syn: craftsmanship, workmanship, trade, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness
2. verb /kɹɑːft,kɹæft/
a) To make by hand and with much skill.
b) To construct, develop something (like a skilled craftsman): "state crafting", "crafting global policing".

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