
nominal value
The face value of a bond or a share ( shares) (which will not usually be the same as its price). Also known as par value. For a bond or redeemable share, it will usually indicate the value at which the bond or share will be redeemed by the issuer. It also enables the interest payment on a bond to be calculated, being given by the nominal value of the holding multiplied by the quoted coupon for the bond. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary
The value of the security when it is first issued, also known as the par value. Financial Services Glossary
The notional value of a futures or options contract for Exchange-traded derivatives (see also principal value when related to cash securities). LIFFE

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nominal value nominal value value1

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   Apparent worth. The nominal value that appears on the face of the document recording an entitlement, generally a certificate or a bond. For debt instruments, the amount to be repaid at maturity. Also known as face value or par value.

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nominal value UK US noun [S]
FINANCE PAR VALUE(Cf. ↑par value)

Financial and business terms. 2012.