
I verb accedere, accost, advance, adventare, appropinquare, be in proximity, be in sight of, be in the neighborhood of, be in the vicinity of, be near, come forward, come near, confront, converge upon, draw near, edge close to, get near, go near, move near, move toward, pursue, stalk, step up to, verge on II index access (right of way), accost, address (direct attention to), admittance (means of approach), approximate, avenue (means of attainment), avenue (route), bid, confrontation (act of setting face to face), converge, correspond (be equivalent), course, design (intent), direction (course), entrance, gravitate, impend, inflow, ingress, invitation, maneuver (tactic), manner (behavior), modus operandi, overture, policy (plan of action), portal, practice (procedure), progress, proposition, reach, strategy

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006