
I (construction plan) noun blueprint, chart, conception, delineation, depiction, descriptio, diagram, draft, drawing, forma, graph, layout, lineamenta, map, model, outline, picture, plan, preliminary drawing, projection, proof, rendering, representation, rough cast, rough copy, rough representation, skeleton, sketch, treatment II (intent) noun aim, ambition, animus, approach, aspiration, bent, consilium, consulto, contemplation, course of action, desire, destination, determination, direction, end, end in view, expectation, fixed purpose, forethought, goal, hope, inclination, intention, intentionality, meaning, mission, motive, object, objective, plan, plan of attack, predetermination, projected goal, proposed action, proposed sequence of action, purport, purpose, purpose in view, pursuit, resolve, scheme, set purpose, settled purpose, stratagem, strategy, target, ultimate end, view, way of doing things, will associated concepts: common design, formed design, premeditated design III index animus, arrange (plan), array (order), artifice, blueprint, building (business of assembling), cabal, calculate, campaign, cause (reason), composition (makeup), conceive (invent), configuration (form), conspire, contemplation, content (meaning), content (structure), contrivance, contrive, course, criterion, delineation, device (contrivance), device (distinguishing mark), devise (invent), direction (course), direction (guidance), end (intent), expedient, forethought, form (arrangement), form, frame (construct), frame (formulate), function, goal, intend, intent, intention, invent (produce for the first time), machination, maneuver (trick), maneuver, mission, mode, model, motif, motive, object, objective, order (arrangement), organization (structure), pattern, plan (noun), plan (verb), plot (secret plan), point (purpose), premeditation, program (noun), program (verb), project, proposal (suggestion), proposition, purpose, purview, reason (basis), ruse, scheme (noun), scheme (verb), strategy, structure (composition), system, target, treatment, undertaking (attempt)

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