
I verb aberrare, alter course, angle off, be at variance, be different, be distinguished from, be oblique, bear no resemblance, bear off, branch out, break bounds, break the pattern, change direction, clash, clash with, conflict with, contrast, dedinare, deflect, degredi, depart from, depart from one's course, differ, digress, disagree, divaricate, diverge, divert from its course, drift, err, fall into error, fly off at a tangent, get off the subject, glance off, go adrift, go amiss, go astray, go awry, go off on a tangent, go out of one's way, go round about, go wrong, infringe a law, infringe custom, make a detour, meander, not conform, perform a circuit, show variety, slip, stand apart, step aside, stray, swerve, take a different course, turn, turn aside, turn out of one's way, vary, veer, wander from the subject II index alter, change, conflict, depart, detour, digress, disaccord, disagree, disobey, divert, miscalculate, palter, prevaricate, vary

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006