
I noun abhorrence, abjuration, abnegation, act of despising, act of discrediting, act of loathing, act of scorning, act of shunning, act of spurning, act of taunting, airs, arrogance, contempt, contemptio, contemptuousness, contumeliousness, declination, denial, derision, detestation, detraction, disapprobation, disapproval, disavowal, disclamation, discountenancing, disesteem, disfavor, dislike, disownment, disregard, disrespect, fastidium, haughtiness, haughty contempt, haughty indifference, hauteur, icy aloofness, indignant aversion, insolence, nonacceptance, nonrecognition, opprobrium, proud contempt, rebuff, rejection, renunciation, reprobation, repudiation, repulse, repulsion, revilement, scoff, scorn, scornfulness, scorning, sneer, spurning, superciliousness, supreme contempt, unutterable contempt, utter contempt II verb abhor, aspernari, avoid, be contemptuous of, belittle, brush aside, care nothing for, consider beneath notice, consider beneath oneself, consider unworthy of regard, contemn, decline, decry, deem unbecoming, deem unsuitable, deride, despicere, despise, detest, disavow, discard, disclaim, disesteem, disown, disparage, disregard, esteem of no account, esteem of small account, fastidire, feel contempt for, feel utter contempt for, flout, gibe, have no use for, hold cheap, hold in contempt, ignore, jeer, laugh at, loathe, look down on, look with scorn on, misprize, mock, not accept, not consider, not respect, pass by, pass over, rebuff, recoil from with pride, regard with proud contempt, reject, renounce, repudiate, repulse, ridicule, scoff, scorn, shun, slight, sneer at, snub, spernere, spurn, think nothing of, think unworthy of notice, treat with contempt, turn one's back upon, turn to scorn, view with a scornful eye III index affront, condemn (blame), condemnation (blame), condescend (patronize), contemn, contumely, criticism, debunk, decry, deprecate, disapprobation, disapproval, disavow, discount (disbelieve), disfavor, disinterest (lack of interest), disoblige, disown (refuse to acknowledge), disregard (lack of respect), disrespect, eliminate (exclude), exclude, flout, forswear, ignore, misprize, neglect, rebuff, reject, rejection, renounce, ridicule, spurn

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