
The manner of performance, or the details, of any surgical operation, experiment, or mechanical act. SEE ALSO: method, operation, procedure. SYN: technic. [Fr., fr. G. technikos, relating to techne, art, skill]
- airbrasive t. a method of grinding, cutting tooth structure, or roughening the natural tooth surface or the surface of a restoration, by means of a device utilizing a gas-impelled jet of fine Al2O3 particles which, after striking the tooth, are removed by an aspirator. SEE ALSO: microetching t..
- air-gap t. chest radiography performed using a space between the subject and film instead of a grid to absorb scattered radiation; usually requires a target-film distance of 10 feet.
- atrial-well t. an obsolete semiclosed surgical t. for repairing atrial septal defects and other cardiac abnormalities.
- ballpoint pen t. a t. to measure the induration of intradermal tuberculin tests; a ballpoint pen is used to draw two opposing lines on the skin beginning 1–2 cm away from the dermal reaction site on opposite sides, stopping as the induration edge is felt. The distance between the proximal ends of the lines is the reported extent of induration.
- Barcroft-Warburg t. Warburg apparatus.
- Begg light wire differential force t. light wire appliance.
- cellulose tape t. use of a piece of transparent cellulose tape applied to a glass slide to obtain perianal samples for identification of pinworm eggs.
- direct t. SYN: direct method for making inlays.
- Ficoll-Hypaque t. a density-gradient centrifugation t. for separating lymphocytes from other formed elements in the blood; the sample is layered onto a Ficoll-sodium metrizoate gradient of specific density; following centrifugation, lymphocytes are collected from the plasma-Ficoll interface.
- flicker fusion frequency t. SYN: flicker perimetry.
- fluorescent antibody t. a t. used to test for antigen with a fluorescent antibody, usually performed by one of two methods: direct, in which immunoglobulin (antibody) conjugated with a fluorescent dye is added to tissue and combines with specific antigen (microbe, or other), the resulting antigen-antibody complex being located by fluorescence microscopy; or indirect, in which unlabeled immunoglobulin (antibody) is added to tissue and combines with specific antigen, after which the antigen-antibody complex may be labeled with fluorescein-conjugated anti-immunoglobulin antibody, the resulting triple complex then being located by fluorescence microscopy.
- flush t. a t. for determining the systolic blood pressure in infants; the elevated limb is “milked” of blood from the hand or foot proximally; the blood pressure cuff is then inflated above the likely systolic pressure and the limb lowered; the cuff pressure is then gradually released until the blanched limb flushes.
- Hampton t. obsolete term for atraumatic, nonpalpation, fluoroscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract in peptic ulcer disease with acute hemorrhage.
- Hartel t. a method of reaching the gasserian ganglion by passing a needle from the mouth, inserting it about the level of the upper midmolar tooth, and passing it inward until the point reaches the bone in front and to the outer side of the foramen ovale, allowing an alcohol injection to be made for the relief of trigeminal neuralgia.
- high-kV t. chest radiography using a kilovoltage of at least 125 kVp, usually 140–150 kVp, to reduce patient dose and increase latitude.
- Ilizarov t. a method of promoting controlled osteogenesis to lengthen bone and correct angular and rotational deformities, in which gradually increasing force is applied to the apposed fragments of a surgically divided bone by an external fixation frame (Ilizarov device).
- immunoperoxidase t. an immunologic test that utilizes antibodies chemically conjugated to the enzyme peroxidase.
- indirect t. SYN: indirect method for making inlays.
- Jerne t. a t. for measuring immunocompetence by quantitating the number of splenic antibody-forming cells found in a mouse that has been sensitized to sheep erythrocytes. The number of plaques formed correlates with the number of splenic antibody-forming cells.
- Judkins t. a method of selective coronary artery catheterization utilizing the standard Seldinger t. through a percutaneous femoral artery puncture.
- Knott t. concentration procedure using blood and dilute formalin; designed to detect microfilaria.
- long cone t. the use of a cone distance of 14 inches or more in making oral roentgenographs.
- McGoon t. plastic reconstruction of an incompetent mitral valve, when the incompetence is due to rupture of chordae to the posterior leaflet, by plication of the redundant leaflet.
- Merendino t. plastic reconstruction of an incompetent mitral valve using heavy sutures to narrow the annulus in the region of the medial commissure.
- microetching t. a method of roughening the surface of a natural tooth or a dental restoration utilizing a gas-impelled jet of fine abrasive. It enhances the attachment of resin cements or restorative materials to the surface. SEE ALSO: airbrasive t..
- Mohs fresh tissue chemosurgery t. chemosurgery in which superficial cancers are excised after fixation in vivo.
- Ouchterlony t. a t. in which both reaction partners (antigen and antibody) are allowed to diffuse to each other in a gel in a precipitation reaction.
- PAP t. an unlabeled antibody peroxidase method that reacts both with the rabbit antihorseradish peroxidase antibody and free horseradish peroxidase to form a soluble complex of peroxidase antiperoxidase or PAP; a uniquely sensitive immunohistochemical method that is applicable to paraffin-embedded tissues.
- rebreathing t. use of a breathing or anesthesia circuit in which exhaled air is subsequently inhaled either with or without absorption of CO2 from the exhaled air.
- Rebuck skin window t. an in vivo test of the inflammatory response in which the skin is abraded and a slide applied to the abraded area to permit visualization of leukocyte mobilization.
- sealed jar t. a t. for producing suspended animation in small experimental animals, consisting of sealing the animal in a jar which is then refrigerated.
- Seldinger t. a method of percutaneous insertion of a catheter into a blood vessel or space : a needle is used to puncture the structure and a guide wire is threaded through the needle; when the needle is withdrawn, a catheter is threaded over the wire; the wire is then withdrawn, leaving the catheter in place.
- sterile insect t. a t. used to control or eradicate insect pests or vectors, utilizing induction by irradiation of dominant lethality in the chromosomes of the released insects.
- vacuum pack t. a temporary closing of the abdomen by using a fenestrated plastic sheet over the intestine but under the anterior abdominal wall followed by the placement of moistened pads with a suction catheter within the wound. The entire defect is then covered by a nonporous plastic sheet; permits drainage of the abdominal cavity by suction while maintaining anterior abdominal wall rigidity.
- washed field t. the cutting of cavity preparations in teeth utilizing a constant irrigant which is immediately removed from the mouth by means of a vacuum device.

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tech·nique tek-'nēk n a method or body of methods for accomplishing a desired end <new surgical \techniques>

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tech·nique (tek-nēkґ) [Fr.] the method of procedure and the details of any mechanical process or surgical operation. See also under maneuver, method, operation, procedure, treatment, stain, test, etc.

Medical dictionary. 2011.