1. To lead in a set course. 2. Any device or instrument by which another is led into its proper course, e.g., a grooved director, a catheter g.. [M.E., fr. O.Fr. guier, to show the way, fr. Germanic]
- catheter g. a flexible metallic wire or thin sound over which a catheter is passed to advance it into its proper position, as in a blood vessel or the urethra. SEE ALSO: stylet.
- incisal g. in dentistry, that part of an articulator on which the anterior g. pin rests to maintain the vertical dimension of occlusion and the incisal g. angle as established by the incisal guidance; may be adjustable, with a superior surface that may be changed to provide variations in the incisal g. angle, or customized, being individually formed in plastic to allow other than straight line incisal guidance in eccentric movements. SYN: anterior g..
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Guidance by Ultrasound Imaging for Decision Endpoints [trial]
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guide 'gīd n a grooved director for a surgical probe or knife
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(gīd) a device by which another object is led in its proper course, such as a grooved sound or filiform bougie over which a tunneled sound is passed, as in stricture of the urethra.Medical dictionary. 2011.