1. Suturing of one layer of tissue above or under another to gain strength. 2. An extension or projection of one tissue over another.
- horizontal o. the projection of the upper anterior and/or posterior teeth beyond their antagonists in a horizontal direction. SYN: overjet, overjut.
- vertical o. 1. the extension of the upper teeth over the lower teeth in a vertical direction when the opposing posterior teeth are in contact in centric occlusion; 2. the distance that teeth lap over their antagonists vertically, especially for the distance that the upper incisal edges drop below the lower ones, but may also describe the vertical relations of opposing cusps; 3. the relationship of the maxillary incisors to the mandibular incisors when the incisal edges pass each other in centric occlusion. SYN: overbite.
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over·lap (oґvər-lap) 1. to cover and extend beyond a certain point. 2. anything that lies or extends over and partially covers something.Medical dictionary. 2011.