- t. adventitia SYN: adventitia.
- t. albuginea of corpora cavernosa [TA] a strong, fibrous membrane enveloping the corpora cavernosa penis. SYN: t. albuginea corporum cavernosorum [TA].
- t. albuginea of corpus spongiosum [TA] the thick layer of fibrous tissue surrounding the corpus spongiosum penis; it is thinner than the corresponding layer around each corpus cavernosum. SYN: t. albuginea corporis spongiosi [TA], fibrous tunic of corpus spongiosum.
- t. albuginea of ovary [TA] thin organ capsule of the ovary deep to the germinal epithelium. SYN: t. albuginea ovarii [TA].
- t. albuginea of testis [TA] a thick white fibrous membrane forming the outer coat or capsule of the testis. SYN: t. albuginea testis [TA], perididymis.
- t. carnea SYN: dartos fascia.
- t. conjunctiva [TA] SYN: conjunctiva.
- t. conjunctiva palpebrarum [TA] SYN: palpebral conjunctiva.
- t. externa [TA] 1. the outer of two or more enveloping layers of any structure; 2. specifically, the outer fibroelastic coat of a blood or lymph vessel. SYN: t. extima [TA].
- t. externa thecae folliculi the external fibrous layer of the theca of a well-developed vesicular ovarian follicle; the cells and fibers are arranged in a concentric fashion. SYN: theca externa.
- t. extima [TA] SYN: t. externa.
- t. interna thecae folliculi the inner cellular and vascular layer of the vesicular ovarian follicle; there is evidence that the epithelioid cells produce estrogen and contribute to the formation of the corpus luteum after ovulation. SYN: theca interna.
- t. intima [TA] the innermost coat of a blood or lymphatic vessel; it consists of endothelium, usually a thin fibroelastic subendothelial layer, and an inner elastic membrane or longitudinal fibers.
- t. media [TA] the middle, usually muscular, coat of an artery or other tubular structure. SYN: media (1).
- t. mucosa uteri [TA] SYN: endometrium.
- t. mucosa vesicae biliaris [TA] SYN: mucosa of gallbladder.
- t. muscularis [TA] SYN: muscular layer.
- t. muscularis partis intermediae urethrae masculinae [TA] SYN: muscular layer of intermediate part of (male) urethra.
- t. muscularis partis prostaticae urethrae masculinae [TA] SYN: muscular layer of prostatic urethra.
- t. muscularis partis spongiosae urethrae masculinae [TA] SYN: muscular layer of spongy (male) urethra.
- t. muscularis uteri [TA] SYN: myometrium.
- t. nervea an older term, formerly used to designate the retina exclusive of the layer of rods and cones. SYN: Brücke tunic.
- t. propria the special envelope of a part as distinguished from the peritoneal or other investment common to several parts.
- t. propria corii SYN: stratum reticulare corii.
- t. sclerotica SYN: sclera.
- t. serosa peritonei [TA] SYN: serosa of peritoneum.
- t. serosa vesicae biliaris [TA] SYN: serosa of gallbladder.
- t. serosa vesicae felleae serosa of gallbladder.
- t. vaginalis testis the serous sheath of the testis and epididymis, derived from the peritoneum; it consists of outer parietal and inner visceral serous layers.
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tu·ni·ca 't(y)ü-ni-kə n, pl tu·ni·cae -nə-.kē, -.kī, -.sē an enveloping membrane or layer of body tissue
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a covering or layer of an organ or part; for example, a layer of the wall of a blood vessel (see adventitia, intima, media). The tunica albuginea is a fibrous membrane comprising one of the covering tissues of the ovary, penis, and testis.
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tu·ni·ca (tooґnĭ-kə) pl. tuґnicae [L.] a membrane or other structure covering or lining a body part or organ. Called also coat and layer.Descriptions of coats are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific coats.
Medical dictionary. 2011.