
1. noun /ʃɪt/
a) Solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels; feces.

Dont step in that dog shit.

b) (the shits) diarrhea.

He had the shits for three days.

Syn: crap, dirt, dung, excrement, fecal matter, feces, ordure, poop, shite, scat, stool, turd
2. adjective /ʃɪt/
a) Of poor quality; worthless.

What a shit film that was!

b) Nasty; despicable.

That was a shit thing to do to him.

3. verb /ʃɪt/
a) To defecate.

Twelve hundred dollars!? Are you shitting me!?

b) To excrete (something) through the anus.

That ad shits me to tears.

Syn: shit with
4. interjection /ʃɪt/
a) Expression of worry, failure, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.

Shit! I think that I forgot to pack my sleeping bag last night!

b) To show displeasure or surprise.

Holy shit!

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