
verb /ɪnˈdʒɛn.də,ɛnˈdʒɛn.də,ɛnˈdʒɛn.dɚ,ɪnˈdʒɛn.dɚ/
a) To give existence to, to produce (living creatures).

O Error soone conceyud, / Thou neuer comst vnto a happy byrth, / But kilst the Mother that engendred thee.

b) To bring into existence (a situation, quality, result etc.); to give rise to, cause, create.

Like all interesting literary figures, he is full of tacit as well as of uttered reference to the conditions that engendered him [...].

Syn: beget, conjure, create, produce, make, craft, manufacture, invent, assemble

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