
1. noun /mɪlk,mɪɫk/
a) A white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young. From certain animals, especially cows, it is a common food for humans as a beverage or used to produce various dairy products such as butter, cheese, and yogurt.

Table three ordered three milks. (Formally: The guests at table three ordered three glasses of milk.)

b) The lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, and including the addition of limited amounts of vitamin A, vitamin D, and other carriers or flavoring ingredients identified as safe and suitable.
2. verb /mɪlk,mɪɫk/
a) To express milk from (a mammal, especially a cow).

The farmer milked his cows.

b) To express any liquid (from any creature).

When the audience began laughing, the comedian milked the joke for more laughs.

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