
1. noun /tɪp/
a) The extreme top of something, especially when pointed; e.g. the sharp end of a pencil.

When he woke up, about half an hour after, he called it to him again, but Dash only looked sheepish and wagged the tip of his tail.

b) A piece of metal, fabric or other material used to cover the top of something for protection, utility or decoration.

When I was a kid I used to love going to the tip.

2. verb /tɪp/
a) To provide with a tip; to cover the tip of.

I thinke he thinkes vpon the sauage bull: / Tush, feare not man, weell tip thy hornes with gold, / And all Europa shall reioyce at thee [...].

b) To knock over; to make fall down, to overturn.

the brief suspended agony of the boat, as it would tip for an instant on the knife-like edge of the sharper waves, that almost seemed threatening to cut it in two [...].

Syn: cumshaw, baksheesh

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