
1. noun /tɒp,tɑp/
a) That part of an object furthest away in the opposite direction from that in which an unsupported object would fall.<! This is gibberish. What does it mean? Answer: this definiton works for any celstial body, be it the earth, moon or mars, etc. because of the direction of gravity! Excellent definition.

His kite got caught at the top of the tree.

b) The part viewed, or intended to be viewed, nearest the edge of the visual field normally occupied by the uppermost visible objects.<! More gibberish.

Headings appear at the tops of pages. Or, Further weather information can be found at the top of your television screen.

Syn: head, cap, cover, lid
Ant: base, bottom, underside, foot
2. verb /tɒp,tɑp/
a) To cover on the top or with a top.

I like my ice cream topped with chocolate sauce.

b) To cut or remove the top (as of a tree)

I dont want to be bald, so just top my hair.

Syn: beat, better, best, exceed, excel, outdo, surpass, trump, worst, kill, murder, slaughter, slay, do in, do away with, take out, wipe out
3. adjective /tɒp,tɑp/
a) best.

Shes in the top dance school in

b) superior, of high quality

Hes a top lawyer.

See Also: top banana, top dog, top totty
4. adverb /tɒp,tɑp/
Rated first.

She came top in her French exam.

Syn: first

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