
1. adjective /fɹiː/
a) Not imprisoned or enslaved.

a free man

b) Obtainable without any payment.

The government provides free health care.

Syn: free of charge, gratis, unconstrained, unfettered, unhindered, clear, unobstructed, libre, without, unbound
Ant: bound, enslaved, imprisoned, constrained, restricted, blocked, obstructed, proprietary software
See Also: freedom, friend
2. adverb /fɹiː/
Without needing to pay.

I got this bike free.

Syn: for free, for nothing
3. verb /fɹiː/
To make free; set at liberty; release; rid of that which confines, limits, embarrasses, or oppresses.
4. noun /fɹiː/
Abbreviation of free kick.

Whether deserved or not, the free gave Cresswell the chance to cover himself in glory with a shot on goal after the siren. <! a typical, but not especially notable usage here, feel free (pun intended) to replace with a better one

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