
1. verb /leɪ/
a) To place something down in a position of rest.

Now I lay me down to sleep, / I pray the Lord my Soul to keep. / If I should die before I ’wake, / I pray the Lord my Soul to take.

b) To cause to subside or abate.

The cloudes, as things affrayd, before him flye; / But all so soone as his outrageous powre / Is layd, they fiercely then begin to shoure [...].

Ant: back
2. noun /leɪ/
a) Arrangement or relationship; layout.

the lay of the land (rather than the standard the lie of the land)

b) The direction a rope is twisted.

Worm and parcel with the lay; turn and serve the other way.

3. adjective /leɪ/
a) Non-professional; not being a member of an organized institution.

They seemed more lay than clerical.

b) Not belonging to the clergy, but associated with them.
See Also: laity, layman, layperson, lay person, laywoman

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