
1. noun /ˈpɑrsəl,ˈpʰaː.səɫ,ˈpʰɑː.səɫ,ˈpʰɑɹ.səɫ/
a) A package wrapped for shipment.

I saw a brown paper parcel on my doorstep.

b) A division of land bought and sold as a unit.

I own a small parcel of land between the refinery and the fish cannery.

Syn: package, plot
See Also: part, particle, particular, particulate
2. verb /ˈpɑrsəl,ˈpʰaː.səɫ,ˈpʰɑː.səɫ,ˈpʰɑɹ.səɫ/
a) To wrap something up into the form of a package.

Worm and parcel with the lay; turn and serve the other way.

b) To wrap a strip around the end of a rope.

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