
A line or linear depression as produced by a fold. SEE ALSO: fold, groove, line.
- digital c. one of the grooves on the palmar surface of a finger, at the level of an interphalangeal joint. SYN: digital flexion c., digital furrow.
- digital flexion c. SYN: digital c..
- ear lobe c. a diagonal c. found on one or both earlobes with a possible connection to coronary heart disease in males.
- flexion c. a permanent c. in the skin on the flexor aspect of a movable joint.
- palmar c. any of the several flexion creases normally found on the palm of the hand, occurring proximal to, but as a consequence of flexion at, the metacarpophalangeal joints.
- simian c. a single transverse palmar c. formed by fusion of the proximal and distal palmar creases, so called because of its similarity to the transverse flexion c. seen in some monkeys; a common but not pathognomonic feature of Down syndrome; also found in 1% of the normal population.
- Sydney c. a variation of the proximal transverse palmar flexion c. that reaches the ulnar side of the palm; associated with acute lymphocytic anemia in early childhood, rubella embryopathy, and Down syndrome. SYN: Sydney line.

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crease 'krēs n a line or mark made by or as if by folding a pliable substance (as the skin)
crease vb, creased; creas·ing vt to make a crease in or on <aging had creased her face> vi to become creased

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(krēs) a line or slight linear depression, such as a shallow skin furrow.

Medical dictionary. 2011.